Mapping data is used to auto-assign shipping information/values when fulfilling orders, resulting in a more efficient and less frustrating experience for customers.

The following is represented by

Magento Shipping product attributes are available for mapping in Magento Admin.


Map Magento Shipping Attributes

  1. On the Admin Sidebar, go to Stores ShippingAttribute Mapping.
  2. Find the Magento Shipping Attribute that requires mapping.
  3. In the Magento Product Attribute column, set the Magento Product Attribute to the corresponding Magento Product Attribute by clicking the Dropdown button.
  4. Click Save Mapping.

Adding a Custom Magento Shipping Attribute

  1. On the Admin Sidebar, go to StoresShipping > Attribute Mapping.
  2. Click New Mapping (scroll down if needed).
  3. In the Magento Product Attribute column, set product.customAttributes.
    • node path - define the attribute name to be used when creating a shipping experience.
    • description - enter a description of the attribute.
  4. In the same column, set Magento Product Attribute to the corresponding Magento product attribute.
  5. When complete, click Save Mapping
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